terça-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2014


2014 is ending and we all like to remind our best moments and make a wish list for the new year! 

Personally, 2014 was insane, it took lots of changes, new experiences and many doors open. 
Some of my high moments this year were for example I finally met one of my biggest idols, Mr. Cody Simpson, I went to his show and it was absolutely crazy and fun, I loved it aha! I made progresses in dance, I met lot of fantastic people, new experiences such as living alone during 2 days at the big city, it was good because it made me meet the real world outside so I gained a different vision of the world. Lot of tears as well because not all moments were happy, I had lots of sad moments too but as I like to think, this bad moments make us stronger, they are lessons and help us being a different person, that in the future is ready to meet the world and make decisions by himself. 

Althought, I want 2015 to be the best year of my life and I think I feel it is going to happen because next year is going to be, hopefully, my last year at highschool and moving to university! And I like to say I'm a criative person, I like to create things, imagining them on my mind and making a little "draft" of my steps in the future! So I will try to make my projects reality this year and making my dreams reality as well! So will you right? Fight for your wildest dreams!

So I have to say, for me I describe 2014 in 5 words with: #change #crazy #faith #lessons #vision

And you? How do you describe your 2014? What are your 5 words for 2014?
Comment below, I really would like to know! :)

Happy New Year to everyone!
xoxo <3

.is coming...

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